Started using computers in 1986 while working for Post Office Counters
Supercalc2 on (I think) a Syrius
Then thought it was time to learn something about computing, so I bought an Amstrad CPC 6128 and printer. When the printer gave up the ghost I purchased a Panasonic 24 pin dot matrix printer. I can still hear the noise that made :-(
Several years later I was given an Amstrad PCW 9512 and then an Amstrad PC 1640
In October 1997 I progressed to a Time Computers Powerstation 4.
Powerstation - that's a laugh in these days of 1.3GHz processors. It's a Cyrix PR200MMX with 64 mb EDO memory. I have replaced the original 4.3gb hard disk with a 17.2 gb and added a Ricoh DVD/CD/CDR and an external modem. Some day I will upgrade to something better.

Update 10 August 2001
Got fed up with constant resets, crashes and lock-ups.
I am now the owner of a Mesh Matrix 1400 Plus
AMD Athlon 1.4GHz DDR with 256mb 266MHz High Performance PC2100 DDR
64mb nVidia GeForce2 MX - TV out

September 2001 - Fitted second 40Gb hdd

Have christened it "The Monster Mash"
Sorry that should be "The Mesh Monster"

June 2003 - Fitted extra 256Mb DDR memory
2011 - Had several PCs and a laptop since The Monster Mash. Each one getting more powerful.

Now why am I interested in this?

Well you have to keep it tidy don't you?