Not very interesting really.
Lots of different schools up till March 1946 when I went to the
Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Suffolk for 2 years. From there I joined the Royal Navy. Having served for 14½ years I left and put on another serge uniform!
Joined the G.P.O. as a postman (better than walking the streets). Became a Postman Higher Grade and then transferred to Postal & Telegraph Officer
(posh name for Counter Clerk) in 1971. Two days later we were out on strike for 7 weeks.
Somehow or other I managed to gain promotion and ended my service as Manager of Hatfield, Herts Post Office Counter. (Not very exciting but I kept it open for over 4 years.
6 months after I left the office was closed down and opened in Martin's news-agent as a Sub Post Office.
Retired in September 1992 with the intention of returning to work part time in Sub Post Offices a year later. Enjoyed not working for the first time in over 45 years so I'm still retired.